I want to burn with the spirit of the times. I want all servants of the stage to recognize their lofty destiny. I am disturbed at my comrades' failure to rise above narrow caste interests which are alien to the interests of society at large. Yes, the theatre can play an enormous part in the transformation of the whole of existence.
- Vsevolod Meyerhold
Throughout my life I have encountered people who have never been to the theatre. Usually they said it was too expensive or too pretentious; they felt unwelcome or out of their depth. The creation of Théâtre Libre (“theatre for everyone”) sought to reconcile those feelings of the non-theatre going everyman.
We believe the stage should be enjoyed not just by academics or affluents, but by anyone who wants to come along and suspend disbelief for a few hours.
By using physical theatre to update classics we are appealing to a human inclination towards the visual sense. Simply said - we bring stories to life using the body. Movement transcends language barriers or dense text to provide an inclusive experience.
We strive to make theatre accessible to all- by regularly having pay-what-you-can nights, offering deeply discounted student tickets, and free entry for instructors.
To learn more about Théâtre Libre’s social initiatives both current and future,
please feel free to get in contact
Inspired by the Young Vic’s ecologically sustainable methods, Théâtre Libre is now a GREEN theatre company!
We use paperless marketing where possible (no flyers for us!)
We recycle all our programmes and posters
We reuse and repurpose costumes, set pieces, and props
We borrow where we can, and build when we must; using upcycled or reclaimed materials and only purchasing sustainable wood for sets
We also encourage all cast and crew to cycle, walk, or use public transport to rehearsals in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
There is so much more we want to do for our planet, we are constantly growing and learning so watch this space!
We are an all female company, so plays with strong female leads are important to us. We also practice non-traditional casting.