Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.
-Eugène Ionesco
Dudley and Kate at a read-through of The Chairs
by Eugene Ionesco
Adapted by Martin Crimp (*subject to change)
Directed by Kaitlin Argeaux
Movement Direction by Justyna Ziarek
Martin Crimp's celebrated translation of Ionesco's absurdist classic see an elderly couple swap stories as they await the arrival of their guests, gathering to hear the Old Man's message to the world. But will the final guest - the mysterious Orator - ever appear? And what will happen once he does? THE CHAIRS is brought to life using Theatre Libre's noted physical style. By collaborating with movement directors and live musicians, we abandon logic in order to explore themes of death and loneliness.
Director Katinlin Argeaux answers: "Why THE CHAIRS?"
"I am interested in the chairs because of the two themes mentioned above - death and loneliness. How do feelings of loneliness affect our mental health? Do we become lonelier as we age? Does death - as part of the human condition - impart in us an urgency to find meaning in life? How do we define a life worth living?
After working with a representative from Age UK, I came to realise how much we relegate older people to the fringes of our communities. We celebrate and prize youth so highly, what does this mean for our society? There are so many unchallenged stereotypes about old(er) people and I want to change that. I want to show that we should really stop underestimating someone because of their age."
by Molière
Adapted by Dr Michael Fry
Directed by Kaitlin Argeaux
Molière's comedy is given a fresh twist in this premiere, adapted by writer, director and academic Michael Fry.
A man masquerading as a pious, charitable, person of authority - claiming that he can improve lives and make decisions for you - all the while stealing from under your nose and trying to grab your wife. Sound like anyone we know?
Director Katinlin Argeaux answers: "Why TARTUFFE?"
"Tartuffe remains as contemporary a satire as ever - how can comedy help us understand why we would invite such a man into our house? And extrapolating to a larger scale, what does it say about the choices we make in terms of the leaders we choose to support and follow?"